Category: Uncategorized

Through Darkness to Truth

Darkness sometimes can hit without warning.  No call, no siren of impending danger, it slithers up and strikes the psyche while infecting your being with it’s lethal venom.   While there are varying forms of darkness, it visited me yesterday.  It slid up next to me whispering nasty everything’s into my mind. It had more of a revealing quality, yesterday – one of those flavors of darkness that presented it’s side of the truth in it’s twisted and emotionally heavy way, forcing me to stare directly into it’s big, black, darkened eyes. It beckoned me with intensity to confront it.   And so I did.  We sat on my bed with the lights of the day snuffed out by the hiding of the sun, and took turns tossing the information presented – wrestling, dancing, chiding, and humiliating.  It cast accusations at me while I held up…

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